Why we should all use RSS massively.

Why we should all use RSS massively.

Oct 19, 2024 by Charly


Rock solid and Well documented

Created in 1999, Based on XML with a solid documentation (

Created and maintained by good people

It does what it is supposed to do !

Display aggregated articles from your subscriptions

You control it 

subscribe, unsubscribe, categorize

Logical sorting

Ordered by post date by default. No algorithm to hack your brain, No infinite scroll and bad patterns.


Assign feeds in categories and find them easily

Easy to deploy

Plenty of software or apps, swith to them by transferring your configuration

Easy to transfer

All RSS aggregators uses the OPML xml format to export and import your subscriptions. No excuse finding a better rss aggregator.

No Tracking

No javascript tracking

No Ads

RSS feeds are 99% of the time a clean version of the articles.



Sometimes, content of RSS items are truncated or summarized. Some aggregators try to recover the full content

UI/UX of mostly apps are 15 years old

Let them as good as a good instagram UI

Socials medias destroy the open source philosophy of RSS

Only youtube provide RSS feed of channels but facebook, instagram, tiktok, ... are closed and fight actively alternative ways of getting their contents ! People want contents aggregated.


Mak­ing the web bet­ter one site at a time, with a focus on per­for­mance and sustainability
